
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inside Outside of Houston, Texas

I mentioned in my first post today that I visited a nursery earlier in the week in search of pottery for two fountains.  I came across Inside Outside in the Heights which is a really neat place that specializes in pottery fountains outside and antiques inside.  I was franticly looking for the perfect pots while trying to enjoy the really cool selection of plants they had there.  I did get to snap a few photos of some plants but didn't catch a few names, so if anyone knows them, feel free to share!  I missed my plant of the day posts this week because my schedule was so crazy, so these pictures are taking its place.  Hope you enjoy!

Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips'

Ginkgo biloba



This is a no namer...really cute pink blooms about an inch across.

Aechmea gamosepala- 'Baby's Room' Bromeliad

Salvia van houttei

Ptilotus 'Joey'

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!  These plants made my day/week! How 'bout yours?


  1. I think your little pink no-namer is a Pavonia- Rock Rose for short. It is a Texas native. Nice plant, reseeds freely. I could be wrong, but that is what it looks like to me.

  2. Stunning photos. I love all the blossoms!!


Questions or Comments?