Monday, April 26, 2010
A Weekend Wedding in the Country
I did flowers for a wedding this weekend. The colors were blue and yellow, and the main flowers were Tulips, Hydrangea, Iris, and Delphinium. I think they turned out nicely! (If I do say so myself!)
A few moments of joy this weekend!
I should be invoicing, quoting, or drawing right now, but I need to blog or I just might go crazy! I've already mentioned in my previous post a couple weeks ago that I've been inundated at work, but this weekend I finally got a few moments to hold my camera instead of a pencil. Don't get me wrong, I'm still busy. I just forced myself to go out and actually enjoy the plants around me instead of seeing work that's not done. It was nice to get back to the joy of my heart.
'Fragrant Cloud' Rose
Canna Lily
Calliandra 'Dwarf Powder Puff'
Crimson Passion Flower
Double Petunia
Pink Indigo
Itea 'Henry's Garnet'
Crazy Daisy
Society Garlic
I really wish I had the time to write a paragraph or two about each one of these plants for my Plant of the Day section. ...Maybe later as Spring slows down I'll have a chance to properly add them. (Just take my word for it that they are all fabulous plants and I highly recommend them all!)
These plants made my day! How 'bout yours?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Holy Cow, I'm Busy!
I knew going into this Spring that my work life was going to become very crazy. Most of Houston lost most of their landscape this past winter. That means the landscaping industry is hustling and bustling! I've gone from a comfortable three to four consults a week to eight or nine with installs going on in between. It's been a crazy month with no time in the office to get my quotes out. I've had people begging for my attention with no time on my plate to give them. I've officially gotten to the point that if I don't write down what I say I'm going to do, then it just doesn't happen. I never thought I'd get to that point in my life. In all that chaos, I've had a few good things happen that I wanted to blog about as they occurred, but time has just slipped away so I'm lumping them all into one.
These are a few plants I've admired throughout the last month. Typically I'd put these into my plant of the day, but time wouldn't slow down for me!

These are a few plants I've admired throughout the last month. Typically I'd put these into my plant of the day, but time wouldn't slow down for me!
Red Bud in bloom
My Grandmother's Iris finally bloomed! I dug these up from her yard last Spring.
Calceolaria: LOVE this one!!!
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
White Bougainvillea
Chocolate Chip Ajuga
Next, a few of the landscapes I've done:
This was a blank slate back yard before I added a dry river bed with Texas Hill Country plants around it.
I would have preferred to use brown mulch, but the homeowner likes black, so black it is.
Front Before: A truck ran into this house and took out the entire front yard landscape and far left side of the house including the porch!
Side yard: Before
Side Yard: After
In between work, landscapes, and plants, my family was squeezed in (somehow!)
My middle son, Kurtis, started Hockey 101! He did great! I think it's going to be the perfect sport for him.
My Dad, Sis-n-Law, and I all went to the Astro's home Spring training game!
My Dad-n-Me
Go 'Stros!
Next up came Easter: The Bluebonnets were beautiful!
Me and my Kiddo's
Sweet pea!
The Girls: My Mom, Sis-n-Law, the cutest niece in the world, and me
My Beautiful Mom
Karrie and Me
(Yes, Karrie, I will post the rest of the pics from this day soon! Love you, mean it!)
Finally, to catch up completely, I completed yet another to-do on my 101 in 1001 today! I got my passport made so I can go on the Dominican trip this June. I'm so excited about this mission trip! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us to accomplish.
That's it folks, you're up to date! I promise not to stay gone for so long the rest of the month!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Athletic International Missions: Dominican Republic 2010
I am very excited to share with all of you that I am visiting the Dominican Republic this June on a mission trip with Athletic International Missions. This Christian based mission group will bring 100 volunteers to the Dominican Republic to host a baseball, basketball, and volleyball camp for over 2000 kids from June 8-15. The group has found great success with breaking down the international barriers of language and culture through the passion of sports. Through those common interests, God's love can reach all those that have never heard His word.
I have been blessed with a paid trip for myself to attend the mission. (Yay!!!) I am now hoping to raise funds for my two oldest boys and my husband to also attend the mission trip. The trip costs $1300 per person to attend, so it's no small feat to tackle before the June 8 deadline. Any donation would be greatly appreciated, but I am also offering a fundraiser incentive to those in the Houston area. In coordination with my employer, Buds and Blossoms, I am selling flats of annual and perennial color for $16 and $19 respectively. $9.00 of every flat I sell will be donated to the King Dominican Fund for this mission trip. If you are planning on buying color for your landscape this Spring, this is a great way to help out and add beauty to your yard too! If you want to make a straight donation, please make checks payable to: Athletic International Missions. Funds can be mailed to:
Buds and Blossoms
c/o King Dominican Fund
14120 Cypress N. Houston
Cypress, TX 77429
I ask that you pray for us as we collect funds for the mission, as I have faith that God will provide for these boys to do God's work first hand. If a monetary donation is burdensome to your finances, you can still help this mission be successful. AIM is in need of used sporting equipment to host the camp. The current needs are:
BASKETBALL– balls, shoes, nets, socks, uniforms, and cones.
DUFFEL BAGS– Not to exceed 62 in./157 cm .
Look in your garage, kids closets or even ask friends and neighbors for the used items that are just taking up space now. They can make a difference and are the lifeline to this mission's success! Equipment can be dropped off at the address above, or given to me, between now and June 7.
Finally, if you or someone you know are interested in attending this mission trip, please let me know so I can get you more information. We are currently about 20-25 people short of the 100 needed volunteers. We would love to have you aboard!
I ask that you keep us in your prayers so that funding, equipment, and volunteers are all collected to make the AIM 2010 mission a success! We all make errors, but with His sacrifice, we all make it home!
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