
Friday, January 1, 2010

Currently in January

Current Book(s): My hubby listened to my groans and grumbles of not having anything "good" to read.  By "good" I mean something that captures my attention and leaves me captivated til the very end...something that I read on my lunch hour, at stop lights, and until 4:30 in the morning just to get to the end....  Something in the Harry Potter and Twilight realm of "good." So, he bought me three new books for Christmas.  Yes, they were back in the fantasy genre which I was trying to get out of, but I've come to expect that from my husband and books.  So far I have finished the first Sookie Stackhouse book Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris...Awesome book (made the hubby go buy me the second already!)  And, since I finished that book around 8:30 at night, I decided to start Evermore by Alyson Noel...I stayed up til 4:30 am (sick, and on nighttime medicine) just to finish the thing cause it was just that good!  

Current Playlist: Silence is golden at the moment!
Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: There's still a lot of Christmas candy just calls my name every time I walk by it!
Current Color:  Winter White
Current Drink:  Water.  I'm determined to drink more water in the new year!
Current Food: Black Eyed Peas for good luck and Cabbage for money in the new year.
Current Favorite Show: Hmmm, I haven't really been watching anything lately.
Current Wishlist:  I think Santa already took care of that for now.
Current Needs: For the weather to warm up so I can start Spring planting already!
Current Triumphs: My family and I had a great Christmas!
Current Bane(s) of my Existence: I'm sick.  I hate being sick!
Current Celebrity Crush: Maybe they aren't exactly celebrities, but Bill and Damen are fresh on my mind from the above mentioned books. ;o)
Current Indulgence:  Chocolate Chip cookies that my Mom made.
Current #1 Blessing: My friends and family
Current Slang or Saying:  ...??? I don't think I have anything new this month.
Current Outfit: I'm sporting my SHSU hoodie and jeans.
Current Excitement:  I'm hoping for a great date night with the hubby to go see Avatar tonight.

Current Mood: Tired and Thankful...if those two things even go together?
Current Link: :  I need to catch up on my 101 in 1001 goal!

Happy January!


  1. Sookie Stakhouse......

    Omg I've just finished the box set and I've already ordered the 9th (newest book) as it's not part of the set... And now I'm reading the first again!

    I'm trying my hardest not to watch Trueblood again, distracting myself with the books instead. I got them for christmas and was on one book a day!

    Someone please help my obsession. It's not healthy.

  2. Welcome back! Your books look good. I like the kind that I don't have to think too much and just enjoy. I am reading No Hiding Place by Joseph Finder. It is holding my attention, so that is good! I am with you on the drink more water, thing and we are going to see Avatar tomorrow in 3D. Hope you feel better! Glad you are back. -Amy

  3. Hi Sarah,

    My sister just got the first book and is enjoying it so far. I may have to borrow it...

  4. hmmmm.... you have a long list of books .... and I have a long list of veggies/flowers on photos. ~bangchik

  5. Hi Sarah - thanks for your nice welcome comments on Blotanical. I've just been having a lovely read around your blog and have really enjoyed it!

    I love books too. First-Born gave me Evermore for Christmas and I'm just about to start it. Have you read the 'Divine...' series by PC Cast?I'd thoroughly recommend them :)

    I'd better go do some proper work now - I've got a snow day (yeah!!!)but am supposed to be doing my accounts (yuerk!) - but 4+ inches of snow, a warm house and lots of blogs to read is a much more interesting proposition!


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