
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Unusually Cold in Houston

This week has been absolutely crazy at the nursery.  We have almost literally had to move the whole 5 acre nursery inside in prep for the cold temps that start tomorrow.  We haven't seen weather this cold since 1970 (according to  Plants that normally don't mind our minimal freezing temps are really not going to be very happy with our weather possibly dipping into the teens tomorrow and Friday.  I must say, I'm over the cold weather.  I've had my fill and want the warm sunshine on my face again.  I'm tired of looking at brown sticks.  I want green leaves, colorful flowers, and butterflies dancing in the sky.  (*stomps foot, *folds arms, *pouts)

***On the other hand, I just found out the nursery is going to be closed tomorrow through Sunday since nobody will be buying any plants.  I think I could get used to 4 day weekends in exchange for the cold! ;o)  Watch out Sookie Stackhouse, here I come to finish your book series!


  1. Wow, same opinion from me, your blogs looks fantastic and packed with interesting stories!
    Is sad to hear you're fed up with the cold weather. I didn't know it was so cold as it is. Here in New Zealand we have some cold days and snow but usually it stays at around -5 degrees (in the worst case scenarios). Well, I'm happy you like my page and hopefully we can keep in touch! I'm actually completely new to gardening, as the description of my tells, and to me it's a completely new experience I'm having, a good one, by the way! I'm a computer guy, and suddenly I find myself working in my garden, that is so hirarious!!!!!!I'm looking forward to hear from you. Cheers!

  2. Your blog design looks fantastic, by the way. I love this brown fabric style with the stiches. Beautifully crafted!

  3. Oh, I hope you get all of your plants protected. Enjoy the next few days off :-)

  4. Really cold here, too! I wouldn't mind the cold, but I do worry about the plants, especially the ones that already have buds.

  5. Hi neighbor!

    What nursery do you work at? By the way, there is going to be a garden bloggers get together in Buffalo, NY in July this year.. I'll have info posted on my blog soon.
    better yet:


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