Sunday, September 6, 2009

Currently in September!

I found this "Currently" survey in Kathleen's blog, and thought it was such a great way to keep up with all the good stuff in life.  She "shamelessly" stole it from her friend, so I "shamelessly" stole it from her!
Current Book(s): I am currently reading the third book of The Mortal Instruments series.  This has been a really great sci-fi series.  I can't seem to put it down, and when I'm not reading, I'm thinking about what is going too happen next.
The main character, Clary, is a teenage girl suddenly thrust into a world that her mother tried hiding from her her whole life.  The adventures that follow leave the reader on the edge of their seat with wonder.

Current Playlist: I just updated my mp3 player with a huge mix of songs.  A little bit of everything, really.  Currently though, I've been trying to get into an audio book: "A Kiss of Shadows" by Laurel K. Hamilton.  This is another sci-fi series about the Fey.  I have read all 16 books in Hamilton's Anita Blake vampire hunter series, and really wanted to read this Merry Gentry series.  I convinced Erik to use one of his points to get the first one.  I'm hoping it's as good as I think it's going to be.

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Reading.  I can't seem to put the books down when I really should be doing other things.
Current Color:  I'm so not a pink kinda girl,  but this magenta is kinda nice.

Current Drink: Sweet Tea!  It's so refreshing when it's hot outside.
Current Food: Subway.  Eat Fresh!  I'd prolly go there everyday if only my hubby would say yes, and meet me there for lunch.
Current Favorite Show: I'm waiting patiently for Dancing with the Stars to start. Oh, and So You Think You Can Dance, too!
Current Wishlist: Wow...we could be here all day for this one.  We'll go with: for Erik to get a great job.  I'll leave it at that for now.
Current Needs: More time in a day?
Current Triumphs: I got ALL of my plants fertilized this week!  They've been hungry for awhile now.
Current Bane(s) of my Existence: The suburban's fuel pump is going out.  I'm never really sure if it's going to start when I leave for work in the morning.
Current Celebrity Crush: hmmm???  I don't really crush over celebrities much.  I guess maybe Laurel K Hamilton since I read her blog everyday.

Current Indulgence: At this very moment I am eating a Hershey's with Almonds chocolate bar!
Current #1 Blessing: My family.
Current Slang or Saying: Prolly saying "prolly", instead of probably!
Current Outfit: I'm sporting an Astros shirt at the moment.  I love being a jeans and T-Shirt kinda girl!

Current Excitement: I'm at the house by myself!  Silence is golden!
Current Mood: Grumpy.  Not sure why, but I woke up that way.
Current Link: Audible : It's a great way to get audio books!

Happy September!

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